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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1997;26(1): 136-140.
A Case of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage during Ear Surgery under General Anesthesia.
Jong Hun Hong, Young Ho Jo, Hye Jin Choi, Tai Kwon Cho
Department of Otolaryngology, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
There are many complications after the ear surgery to correct chronic otitis media(COM). They include facial nerve paralysis, perichondritis, injury of the dura or the sigmoid sinus, chocolate cyst or mucocele in the healed mastoid cavity, recurrence of cholesteatoma, granulation tissue and otorrhea. However, there has been no report of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage during ear surgery to correct COM under general anesthesia. We had encountered one case of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage after COM ear surgery under general anesthesia. There was no problem during the operation. We suspected that certain cerebral vascular anomaly triggered the intracerebral hemorrhage while under the general aesthsia. However, the speculation remains verified.
Key Words: Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage; Ear surgery complication; Cerebral vascular anomaly
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