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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1999;28(6): 762-768.
Lateral Extracavitary Approach to Thoracic Cord Tumor and Disc Herniation.
Sun Man Kweon, Do Heum Yoon, Young Soo Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
We treated 9 patients of ventrally or ventrolaterally located thoracic lesions with lateral extracavitary approach, six cases of ventrally located thoracic cord tumor, and three cases of central disc herniation. After operation, the patients' neurological symptoms were effectively improved and there were no signigicant postoperative c omplications. Compared to transthoracic approach, this approach is less invasive and enable simultaneous vertebral reconstruction and posterior spinal fixation. Although relatatively small in number experienced, lateral extracavitry approach is considered to be a alternative method to transthoracic approach for the treatment of ventrally and ventrolaterally located thoracic lesion.
Key Words: T horacic spinal cord tumor; Thoracic disc herniation; Lateral extracavitary approach; Vertebral recon struction; Posterior spinal fixation
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