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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2001;30(10): 1233-1236.
Intradural Lumbar Disc Rupture.
Ju Ho Jeong, Sang Gu Lee, Chan Jong Yoo, Ki Soo Han, Woo Kyung Kim, Young Bo Kim, Cheol Wan Park, Uhn Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Gachon Medical School Gil Medical Center, Incheon, Korea.
The intradural lumbar disc herniation which was first described by Dandy in 1942 is unusual. The pathogenesis is obscure and preoperative diagnosis is not easy. The patient usually have more severe neurologic deficits than those found in the much more common extradural disc herniations. We experienced two cases of the intradural lumbar disc herniation who had previous disc operations and the symptoms and neurologic signs were improved after removal of the intradural sequestration of disc fragments.
Key Words: Intradural disc herniation; Lumbar disc; Adhesion
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