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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2001;30(11): 1332-1335.
A Case of Cervico-Thoracic Malignant Schwannoma with Lung Metastasis.
Kyung Bum Park, Soo Hyun Hwang, Joon Soo Kim, Ki Jeong Kim, In Sung Park, Eun Sang Kim, Jin Myung Jung, Jong Woo Han
1Department of Neurosurgery, Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine, Jinju, Korea.
2Gyeongsang Institute for Neuroscience, Jinju, Korea.
A case of malignant schwannoma in the cervico-thoracic region with lung metastasis is presented. The patient was 55-year-old man presented with right arm weakness. Magnetic resonance image demonstrated lobulated enhancing soft tissue masses in spinal canal, neural foramen and right paraspinal space at C7-T1 level compressing the dural sac and spinal cord. Subtotal removal was performed and histological diagnosis of malignant schwannoma was made. Reoperation due to recurrence was done but subsequent metastasis to lung was observed.
Key Words: Malignant schwannoma; Cervico-thoracic; Recurrence; Lung metastasis
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