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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2003;33(5): 509-511.
Spinal Epidural Cavernous Hemangioma Simulating a Disc Protrusion: A Case Report.
Seung Pyo Hong, Do Sang Cho, Myung Hyun Kim, Kyu Man Shin
Department of Neurosurgery, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. nsdoc88@empal.com
The authors present a case of solitary pure epidural cavernous angioma. A 47-year-old man was admitted our department due to acute back pain and left lower extremity radicular pain. Lumbar spine magnetic resonance(MR) image revealed a mass, 1x0.8x0.8cm in size, located in L4/5 intervertebral disc space. We performed surgical excision and it was confirmed cavernous angioma, histologically. Postoperatively, patient has no neurological deficit and no specific complication. Follow-up MR imaging six months later showed no residual mass. The solitary pure spinal epidural cavernous angiomas are exceedingly rare. It is suggested that spinal epidural cavernous angioma should be included in the differential diagnosis of epidural mass and simple herniated disc.
Key Words: Cavernous Hemangioma; Epidural; Herniated disc
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