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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2003;34(1): 23-26.
Fibrous Dysplasia Involving the Fronto-Orbital Bone: Surgical Experience.
Sung Kon Ha, Jung Yul Park, Se Hoon Kim, Dong Jun Lim, Youn Kwan Park, Yong Ku Chung, Jung Keun Suh
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. jypark@kumc.or.kr
To suggest early surgical treatment of fronto-orbital fibrous dysplasia, the authors present the surgical experiences of fronto-orbital fibrous dysplasia in 8 cases. METHODS: A total of 8 surgically treated patients with fronto-orbital fibrous dysplasia is included in this study. There were 4 males and 4 females with age range between 6 and 50(average 23.5 years). All presented with painless bulging mass in fronto-orbital region, and seven had varying degrees of proptosis with variable degrees of visual symptoms. Six cases were treated with radical resection and immediate orbital and cranial reconstruction using polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA) and miniplates. Two cases were treated with minimal resection and contouring using autogenous bone graft.
No complications were seen except transient ptosis and wound infection in one case, respectively. There were no signs of recurrence during follow-up period(up to 4 years). Cosmetic results were acceptable in 7 seven patients but reoperation was required in remaining one patient 4 years after first operation. The patients who had visual symptoms showed improvement postoperatively.
These results emphasize the importance of the early treatment with surgical approach in patients with fronto-orbital fibrous dysplasia who have visual sympotoms and cosmetinc problems. However, further study with larger population is warranted to validate early surgical correction in patients with varying degrees of symptomatologies.
Key Words: Fibrous dysplasia; Frontal bone; Orbital; Visual impairment; Cosmetic; Operation
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