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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2005;37(2): 154-156.
A Case of Thoracic Vertebral Chondroblastoma, Treated with 3-D Image Guided Resection and Reconstruction.
Yoon Ho Lee, Dong Ah Shin, Keung Nyun Kim, Do Heum Yoon
Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. ydoheum@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
We present a case of chondroblastoma in the thoracic vertebra. A 40-year-old patient with upper back pain and lower extremity weakness was admitted to our clinic. On neurological examination, the patient exhibited lower extremity spastic paraparesis. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass infiltrating the 7th thoracic vertebra and its adjacent structures with concomitant compression of the epidural space. After right upper lung tuberculoma was resected through the transthoracic approach, T7 total corpectomy was done with anterior stabilization using a MESH cage and T7 rib bone graft. Two weeks after the first operation, remained part of vertebra was removed and posterior stabilization was performed using a pedicle screw fixation and cross linkage bar with the assistance of the navigation system. The final pathologic diagnosis of the vertebral lesion was benign chondroblastoma.
Key Words: Chondroblastoma; Thoracic vertebra; Spine tumor
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