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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2005;37(5): 386-388.
An Organized Chronic Subdural Hematoma with Partial Calcification in a Child.
Hyok Rae Cho, Young Kim, Hong Bo Sim, In Uck Lyo
Department of Neurosurgery, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan, Korea. drchr@uuh.ulsan.kr
The authors present a case in which an organized chronic subdural hematoma(CSDH) was incidentally found in a 9-year-old boy with no significant medical history after a pedestrian traffic accident. Preoperative magnetic resonance(MR) imaging showed calcification on the inner membrane and an irregular heterogeneous structure in the hematoma cavity. The findings from the preoperative brain computed tomogram(CT) and MR image were very useful for making the preoperative diagnosis and surgical decision. In choosing the proper surgical strategy for removing the organized CSDH, it was thought that burr hole trephination would present unnecessary difficulties. Thus, craniotomy was selected and the organized CSDH was successfully removed with no complications.
Key Words: Chronic subdural hematoma; Craniotomy; Magnetic resonance imaging
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