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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2006;40(4): 296-299.
A Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery Technique Using a Modified Thoracoport: Proposal of a New Tubular Retractor.
Kwang Woo Park, Chan Woo Park, Jin Soo Park, Sang Gu Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Gil Medical Center, Gachon Medical School, Incheon, Korea. chanwoo@gilhospital.com
Recently the trend of surgical procedure for treatment of lumbar benign disease is a minimally invasive surgery due to small incision, minimal blood loss, and a short hospital day. By using a microscope or an endoscope, and other surgical equipment, a delicate manipulation in a narrow space became feasible, consequently, to secure a wider view with small incision, appropriate retractors are required. But the various tubular retractor systems are expensive and have some problems. We modified Thoracoport (Auto Suture Co., Norwalk, CT) by making a window at the distal end of trocar and used it as a tubular retractor in surgical procedure for treatment of lumbar benign disease. This modified tubular retractor is docked closely on the curved lamina and provides a wider view. We used it as a tubular retractor also in lumbar bilateral decompression involving a unilateral approach. But this trocar has the limited sizes (diameter and length), and also it is difficult to fix the retractor or change the direction of retractor. And then, we propose a more modified Thoracoport with various sizes and attaching the settling holders to the head of tubular retractor to be able to fix the retractor.
Key Words: Thoracoport; Lumbar spine; Minimally invasive surgery
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