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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2010;47(3): 232-234.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3340/jkns.2010.47.3.232
L2 Radicular Compression Caused by a Foraminal Extradural Gas Pseudocyst.
Dong Yeob Lee, Sang Ho Lee
Department of Neurosurgery, Wooridul Spine Hospital, Seoul, Korea. nsspine@paran.com
Gas pseudocysts are a rare cause of lumbar radiculopathy and most symptomatic gas pseudocysts are found within the confines of the spinal canal. A gas pseudocyst in the foramen causing lumbar radiculopathy is very rare. We present a case of a 67-year-old woman suffering from severe pain in the right leg. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a gas pseudocyst compressing the L2 root at the right L2-3 foramen. The patient underwent cyst excision using the lateral transmuscular approach and her leg pain was improved after the operation.
Key Words: Gas pseudocyst; Radiculopathy; Lumbar vertebra
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