Ulnar Nerve Compression in Guyon's Canal by Ganglion Cyst. |
Kyung Woo Kwak, Min Su Kim, Chul Hoon Chang, Seong Ho Kim |
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea. shkim@med.yu.ac.kr |
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Compression of the ulnar nerve in Guyon's canal can result from repeated blunt trauma, fracture of the hamate's hook, and arterial thrombosis or aneurysm. In addition, conditions such as ganglia, rheumatoid arthritis and ulnar artery disease can rapidly compress the ulnar nerve in Guyon's canal. A ganglion cyst can acutely protrude or grow, which also might compress the ulnar nerve. So, clinicians should consider a ganglion cyst in Guyon's canal as a possible underlying cause of ulnar nerve compression in patients with a sudden decrease in hand strength. We believe that early decompression with removal of the ganglion is very important to promote complete recovery. |