Telemedicine Protocols for the Management of Patients with Acute Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rural and Medically Underserved Areas in Gangwon State : Recommendations for Doctors with Less Expertise at Local Emergency Rooms
Hyo Sub Jun, Kuhyun Yang, Jongyeon Kim, Jin Pyeong Jeon, Sun Jeong Kim, Jun Hyong Ahn, Seung Jin Lee, Hyuk Jai Choi, In Bok Chang, Jeong Jin Park, Jong-Kook Rhim, Sung-Chul Jin, Sung Min Cho, Sung-Pil Joo, Seung Hun Sheen, Sang Hyung Lee,
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2024;67(4):385-396.   Published online 2023 Oct 30     DOI:
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Benefits of Neurosurgical Teleconsults in the Management of Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Transfers and Transportation Cost Reduction
Daniel Karasik, Claudia I. Cabrera, Berje Shammassian, James M. Wright, Nicholas Bambakidis, Brian D'Anza
World Neurosurgery.2024; 189: e485.     CrossRef