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Intradural Lumbar Disc Herniation.
Hui Keun Lee, Soon Ki Hong, Kum Whang, Hun Ju Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2006;39(4):314-316.
Bcl-2 and Bax Expression and Ki-67 Proliferative Index in Astrocytic Tumors: in Relation to Prognosis.
Sei Yoon Kim, Soon Hee Chung, Hun Joo Kim, Kum Whang, Young Pyo Han, Soon Ki Hong
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2004;35(5):465-471.
Prognostic Factors in Spontaneous Primary Intraventricular Hemorrhage.
Young Wook Cho, Kum Whang, Jhin Soo Pyen, Chul Hu, Soon Ki Hong, Hun Joo Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2004;35(3):297-301.
Complications of Endovascular Detachable Coil Treatment in Cerebral Aneurysms.
Jong Woo Rhee, Myeong Sub Lee, Kum Whang, Jin Soo Pyen, Chul Hu, Soon Ki Hong
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2004;35(2):173-177.
A Case of Occult Retroperitoneal Hematoma Associated with Head Trauma.
Yong Sook Park, Hun Joo Kim, Kum Whang, Jhin Soo Pyen, Soon Ki Hong, Myong Soo Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2002;31(6):616-619.
Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis of Mild Head Injury in the Elderly559.
Yong Sook Park, Hun Joo Kim, Kum Whang, Jin Soo Pyen, Chul Hu, Soon Ki Hong, Yong Pyo Han
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2002;31(6):564-568.
Endovascualr Treatment for Traumatic Giant Pseudoaneurysm of Internal Carotid Artery.
Myeong Sub Lee, Young Ju Kim, Myung Soon Kim, Jeong Mee Park, Soon Ki Hong, Kum Whang
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2002;31(4):369-372.
Clinical Analysis of the Delayed Post-Traumatic Epidural Hematoma after Hematoma Evacuation.
Tae Il Park, Kum Whang, Sung Min Cho, Jin Soo Pyen, Chul Hu, Soon Ki Hong, Hun Joo Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2002;31(2):133-138.
A Case of Spinal Cord Compression Caused by Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Mediastinum Associated with Type I Neurofibromatosis(NF Type I).
Sei Yoon Kim, Kum Whang, Soon Ki Hong, Jhin Soo Pyen, Chul Hu, Hun Joo Kim, Young Pyo Han, Myoung Sup Lee, Chong Kook Lee, Mee Yon Cho
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2001;30(5):642-646.
Dural Arteriovenous Malformation on the Anterior Cranial Fossa.
Tae Il Park, Kum Whang, Jhin Soo Pyen, Chul Hu, Soon Ki Hong, Yong Pyo Han
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2001;30(2):244-249.
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Minimally Invasive Approaches in Reoperations after Conventional Craniotomies : Case Series. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2025;68:67-74
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