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Intraoperative SSEP Monitoring during Aneurysm Surgery.
Ki Hoon Yeom, Gook Ki Kim, Ki Taek Yee, Jong Tae Park, Young Jin Lim, Tae Sung Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Won Leem
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1999;28(4):498-508.
A Case of Thoracic Meningomyelocele Containing Accessory Cord.
Seung Ho Lee, Ho Gyun Ha, Jae Min Kim, Ki Hong Cho
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1993;22(7):859-863.
Clinical Analysis of Pituitary Tumors Treated with Transsphenoidal Approach.
Hyung Dong Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1992;21(9):1061-1070.
A Study on Somatosensory Evoked Potential in Patients with Cervical Spondylosis.
Sung Min Kim, Young Jin Kim, Tae Sung Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Gook Ki Kim, Won Leem
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1990;19(8-9):1145-1156.
Relationship between SSEP and Vasospasm in SAH Patients.
Gi Hoon Yeom, Young Jin Lim, Tae Sung Kim, Gook Ki Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Won Leem
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1990;19(4):523-529.
Surgical Experience of Mucocele: 4 Cases.
Y R Chang, S W Chung, C S Kim, B C Jean, Y G Park, T H Yoo, T S Chun, H D Lee
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1988;17(5):1093-1102.
Normal Data of Somatosensory Evoked Potential by Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation.
Seung Heon Kim, Young Jin Lim, Tae Sung Kim, Gook Ki Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Won Leem
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1988;17(2):321-330.
The Findings of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Pontential(BAEP) and Somatosensory Evoked Potential(SSEP) in Head Injury.
Jang Chul Lee, Dong Won Kim, Jung Kyo Lee, Man Bin Yim, Young Chun Park, In Hong Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1988;17(1):5-18.
Clinical Evaluation of Evoked Potentials in Cerebrovascular Diseases.
Moon Sun Park, Gook Ki Kim, Young Jin Kim, Tae Sung Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Won Leem
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1987;16(3):747-760.
Evoked Potentials in Brain Death.
Young Jin Lim, Gook Ki Kim, Moon Sun Park, Tae Sung Kim, Kwang Myung Kim, Bong Arm Rhee, Won Leem
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1986;15(3):429-438.
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Minimally Invasive Approaches in Reoperations after Conventional Craniotomies : Case Series. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2025;68:67-74
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