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Microvascular Decompression for Essential Hypertension.
Jung Hoon Han, Yong Jun Cho, Jang Hoi Hwang, Myung Soo Ahn
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1995;24(3):297-304.
Surgical Treatment of Spasmodic Torticollis by Microvascular Decompression with Selective Dorsal Cervical Phizotomy: Case Report.
Sung Chan Park, Kyung Jin Lee, Woo Hyun Sung, Young Sup Park, Chang Rak Choi
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1994;23(4):474-479.
The Short-term Result of Micro-Vascular Decompression in Trigeminal Neuralgia and Hemifacial Spasm.
Ho Shin Gwak, Chun Kee Chung, Hyun Jib Kim, Chang Wan Oh, Young Seob Chung, Dong Gyu Kim, Hee Won Jung, Kil Soo Choi, Dae Hee Han
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1994;23(4):393-401.
Pathological Changes of the Blood Vessel Wrapped in Teflon(polytetrafluoroethylene) Felt in the Cat.
Jin Woo Chang, Sang Sup Chung, Tae Seung Kim, Young Soo Kim, Yong Gou Park
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1993;22(7):828-833.
A Case of Trigeminal Neuropathy Treated by Microvascular Decompression.
Sung Nam Hwang, Jin Ho Mock, Young Baeg Kim, Duck Young Choi
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1990;19(7):1050-1052.
Trigeminal Neuralgia Caused by Epidermoid Tumor in the Cerebellopontine Angle.
Sang Yul Kim, Dong Won Kim, Jung Kyo Lee, Man Bin Yim, In Hong Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1988;17(1):129-136.
Microvascular Decompressive Surgical Approach to the 5th, 7th & 9th Cranial Nerves.
Chang Rak Choi, Myung Soo Ahn, Jin Un Song
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1984;13(2):269-277.
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Minimally Invasive Approaches in Reoperations after Conventional Craniotomies : Case Series. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2025;68:67-74
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