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Bilateral Simultaneous Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhages in Both Thalami.
Jeong Wook Choi, Jung Kil Lee, Jae hyoo Kim, Soo Han Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2005;38(6):468-470.
Recurrent Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
Chang Ju Lee, Hyeon Song Koh, Seung Won Choi, Seon Hwan Kim, Jin Young Yeom, Youn Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2005;38(6):425-430.
An Extra-adrenal Pheochromocytoma Presenting with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma.
Seong Keun Park, Jung Kil Lee, Jae Hyoo Kim, Soo Han Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2005;38(1):61-64.
Cerebral Aneurysm and Aortic Coarctation in a 46, XY Female. Is it Causal or Coincidental?.
Sun Min Ju, Hyeong Joong Yi, Yong Ko, Kwang Myung Kim
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2005;37(2):137-140.
Clinical Characteristics of Aneurysm Rupture with the Focus of Hypertension and Smoking as Predisposing Factors.
Kyu Hyeon Park, Eung Jae Lee, Yong Sam Shin, Young Hwan Ahn, Ki Hong Cho, Kyung Gi Cho
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2004;36(1):46-51.
Effects of Decompressive Craniectomy for the Management of Patients with Refractory Intracranial Hypertension.
Jin Hoon Lee, Dong Jun Lim, Se Hoon Kim, Jung Yul Park, Yong Gu Chung, Jung Keun Suh
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2003;34(6):531-536.
Hypertonic Saline Infusion Therapy in Patients with Increased Intracranial Pressure.
Han Gun Moon, Sang Keun Park, Tae Hong Kim, Hyung Shik Shin, Yong Soon Hwang
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2003;34(4):347-352.
Risk Factors for Formation of Multiple Intracranial Aneurysms.
Chang Bong Kong, Jae Taeck Huh, Chul Min Jo
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2002;32(1):23-28.
A Study on the Factors Associted with Risk of Bleeding from Intraacranial arteriovenous Malformations.
Sang Do Bae
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1999;28(3):354-362.
Multiple Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Case Report.
Doo Ho Choi, Jin Ho Mok, Han Sik Kim, Kyu Chun Lee, Young Bae Lee
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 1998;27(8):1132-1138.
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Minimally Invasive Approaches in Reoperations after Conventional Craniotomies : Case Series. J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2025;68:67-74
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